Virtual healing Hub
The interactive performance Virtual Healing Hub creates a compassionate space that is coded for all those analog, digital and hybrid bodies and spirits that feel disconnected. It facilitates new relationships between technology and humans – towards pleasurable sensations for all pixels and cells.
Through new technologies such as facefilter, developments such as facial recognition and trends such as facetuning, the meaning of the FACE is increasingly transforming in the 21st century. Dgtl fmnsm FACE negotiates emerging, technologized perspectives on the FACE in an experimental workshop format that combines techno-feminist discourse, interactive DIY methodology & desktop-show.
HAUtie is a digital entity and communicative agent that serves as an experimentsal access point to the HAU4 HAUthek and as an artistic inquiry into the growing anthropomorphization of digital technologies in the age of so-called artificial intelligence.
Inter FACE
interFACE Digital Pleasure Center is a complex performance inside a gamified room-installation that immerses visitors in a speculative and spectacular world. In the center environment, physical and digital bodies, software and hardware are interwoven into a singular, novel organism that enables entirely new perceptions of physicality.